Reflections on the evaluation of the curriculum vitae for promotion to senior principal positions in the national health service


  • Isabel Santos Mestre em Ciências da Educação Consultora de Clínica Geral; Chefe de Serviço Serviço: Coordenação do Internato Complementar de Clínica Geral da Zona Sul



Curriculum vitae, Evaluation


Most assessments for the award of positions in the Portuguese NHS are based in the evaluation of CVs. These documents are supposed to describe, give grounding and, sometimes, interpret the candidates professional track. Even though every assessment has its own jury binding regulations, it is up to the candidates to select and justify those facts that they consider to be more relevant from their activity and experience, as well as to choose how best to present them. Lack of experience and of literature data on the subject have made writing a CV a moment of great stress and, sometimes even of emotional confusion, instead of a gratifying life episode. In order to minimise these problems and help other colleagues in their hard task of self- and hetero-evaluation, the author presents her reflections on the contents and format of the CV required for accessing Senior Principal positions.


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How to Cite

Reflections on the evaluation of the curriculum vitae for promotion to senior principal positions in the national health service. (2000). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 16(4), 341-3.

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