Transgender sexual and reproductive health: a systematic review
Family planning, Reproductive health, Primary health care, Transgender personsResumo
Background: The right to access safe and high-quality sexual and reproductive healthcare is part of the well-being of all people. There is a scarcity of clinical guidelines regarding transgender (TG) specific family planning.
Objective: This synthesis of information intends to describe the approach towards the TG population’s sexual health.
Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in the MEDLINE and Scopus databases, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement. The quality of retrieved studies was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Qualitative Checklist for qualitative studies and an adapted version of the Quality Assessment Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies. The protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022371962).
Results: From the 671 articles retrieved, 13 fulfilled the predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria, and were selected to perform the in-depth analysis. Phenomena of interest were subdivided into patient and provider-level issues, contraception, fertility preservation, and cancer screening. Contraception can have many purposes, including the prevention of pregnancy, and frequently exerts an impact on gender dysphoria. A great percentage of TG patients believe that testosterone may be used as a contraceptive method, which prevents recognition of their pregnancy risk. Providers’ lack of formal education plus the discrimination TG people face contribute to the rising of myths and misinformation among the population. Most TG people desire to be parents, but the question of whether biologically or not is mostly undefined. TG people do not routinely undertake pelvic examinations or PAP smears.
Conclusion: The present review outlines the urge to develop guidelines for TG sexual and reproductive health. Primary care doctors are vital in managing TG people’s health concerns.
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