Alcohol and young people


  • Rui António Rocha Tato Marinho Gastrenterologista e Hepatologista, Assistente Hospitalar Graduado do Serviço de Gastrenterologia e Hepatologia do Hospital Santa Maria Professor Auxiliar da FCML, Instituto de Medicina Molecular. Pres da Assoc para o Estudo do Fígado (2007 -2009)



Youth, Binge Drinking, Traffic Accident


There is sufficient evidence to indicate that alcohol is a significant threat to world health according to the World Health Organization. The European countries are drinking too much and one quarter of the young people from 15 to 29 years-old are dying because of excessive alcohol consumption. Portugal has one of the highest alcohol consumptions in the world, beginning in average at 13 years-old. Is also a fact the generalization of high alcohol intake in girls and binge drinking is becoming epidemic which is a particularly dangerous way of consumption. Alcohol is able to cause 61 diseases, being most relevant in Portugal alcoholic liver cirrhosis and deaths caused by car accidents, namely in young people. Liver cirrhosis is the tenth cause of death in Portugal and 2/3 of which are alcoholic. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death in Portuguese young people. Ninety percent of traffic deadly accidents are caused by human error, and half of them are related to excessive alcohol intake. The measures to implement in order to reduce the consequences of the excessive alcohol consumption must consider not only information but also, in order to save lives rapidly, to firmly prevent alcohol intake by increasing the number of breath-tests and stricter the enforcement of the law. These measures are saving lives in other countries, such as he United Kingdom, where excessive alcohol consumption is a reality.


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How to Cite

Alcohol and young people. (2008). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 24(2), 293-300.

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