Problem-oriented medical record in family practice: a necessary update


  • Mónica Granja Médica de Família. Centro de Saúde de S. Mamede Infesta, Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos. Professora auxiliar convidada (Unidades curriculares de Medicina Geral e Familiar I e II). Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto.
  • Conceição Outeirinho Médica de Família. USF Garcia de Orta, ACeS Porto Ocidental.



Family practice, Medical records, Problem-oriented medical records.


Medical records are a key component of health care delivery. In family practice, the preferred approach to structure medical records is based on the method proposed by Lawrence Weed’, the ‘Problem-oriented medical record’. It is generally accepted that the ‘Problem-oriented medical record’ comprises three components: baseline data, progressive clinical notes and list of problems. Nevertheless, there is a lack of standards on how to use these sections and, in Portugal, the bibliography on the use of ‘Problem-oriented medical record’ needs updating. This document aims to synthesise and compile the information available, revisiting Weed’s method for practising family physicians and supporting pre- and postgraduate training.


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How to Cite

Problem-oriented medical record in family practice: a necessary update. (2018). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 34(1), 40-4.

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