The legacy of Frey Ramos: a career based on the example of professionalism, spirit of mission, humanism, generosity and tireless work


  • Raquel Braga Médica de Família. USF Lagoa, ULS Matosinhos. Senhora da Hora, Portugal | Professora Associada Convidada. ICBAS, Universidade do Porto. Porto, Portugal.



Legacy, Family medicine, General practice


José Alberto Frey Ramos, family physician, Doctor of Medicine, and Professor (assistant) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), a notable personality in General and Family Medicine, was born at Vila Nova de Gaia in 1950 and had throughout in his life seven children and twenty grandchildren. In addition to his remarkable medical career and dedication to pre- and post-graduate medical education, this family is perhaps the most relevant legacy. It will make him last longer and more fruitfully in the collective memory. His family is a reflection of himself, reflecting in a lively and fruitful way the generous man, the tireless worker, the well-trained, discreet, and selfless doctor he always was.


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Legado de Medicina Geral e Familiar

How to Cite

The legacy of Frey Ramos: a career based on the example of professionalism, spirit of mission, humanism, generosity and tireless work. (2024). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 40(4), 418-20.

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