Physical activity and health related quality of life in young people in cascais


  • Tiago Freitas Carneiro Médico de Medicina Geral e Familiar e Assistente Eventual no Centro de Saúde de Cascais
  • André Biscaia Médico de Medicina Geral e Familiar e Assistente Eventual no Centro de Saúde de Cascais
  • Osvaldo Santos Psicólogo e técnico de investigação científica na Edideco, Edições para Defesa do Consumidor.



Youths, Physical Activity, Health-Related Physical Activity, Cascais


Introduction: A relationship between physical activity and health is well demonstrated, but in Portugal little has been studied on the subject. It is widely acknowledged that during youth one acquires behaviours that will determine physical activity in adulthood. Characterising the physical activity of youths and its relation with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is therefore a pathway for health promotion. Objectives: To characterise the youths attending the 11th year of schooling in Cascais during the 2000-1 school year in what concerns habits and motivations that might influence physical activity, intensity of physical activity, self-perceived HRQoL, and the association between physical activity and HRQoL. Methods: Populational, observational, cross-sectional, analytical study. Validated Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity and MOS-SF36 Questionnaire were used for assessment of HRQoL. Results: 615 pupils responded (86% of enrolled pupils), with a median age of 17 years, 55% of whom being female. Boys practise sports more often and motivations for physical activity were: pleasure, keeping fit or becoming fitter. More girls than boys said they wanted to intensify their physical activity. Boys showed greater energy expenditure in sports, and scored higher for HRQoL parameters. A direct relationship was found between energy expenditure and HRQoL. Discussion: This population-based study had a good response rate. Differing motivations for physical activity and differing energy expenditures might account for differences found in amount of physical activity and level of HRQoL. Physical activity and HRQoL are positively interrelated, but well-being is probably multifactorial and no one factor can be specifically singled out. This study underscores the relevance of prescribing physical activity with better defined objectives in mind.


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How to Cite

Physical activity and health related quality of life in young people in cascais. (2002). Portuguese Journal of Family Medicine and General Practice, 18(5), 315-32.

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